Innovative Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
Innovative Research in Ayurvedic Sciencesis dedicated to rapid publication of
research work and review papers that contribute to enhance the scientific knowledge in
ayurvedic sciences, explore the relationships between Ayurveda, biomedicine and other
contemporary health sciences.
Journal will publish original research works , and review articles covering the scope of
the journal will also be considered for publication.
Journal will publish Original Articles, Case Studies and Reviews, Technical reports of
projects, Correspondence and Book Reviews pertaining to Ayurveda with the special focus
on Original and Review Articles on the following-
Ayurveda Research, Phytopharmacology, Herbal Medicine, Medicinal Plants Studies,
Phototherapy, Natural chemistry , AYUSH Research , Panchkarma , Treatment with
traditional medicines, Integrative Medicine , Health Systems Research with focus on
Ayurveda and Traditional medicine.
Prof. Kishor Patwardhan
Faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, UP
Dr. Shailesh Dhenge
Assistant Professor
Department of Shalya Tantra
Mandsaur Institute of Ayurved Education and Research & Hospital
Dr. Ashish Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy
Venkateshwara College of Pharmacy, Meerut
Mr. Mansoor Ansari
Assistant Professor
Mesco Institute of Pharmacy
Amroha, UP
Department of Kayachikitsa
Faculty of ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi (UP)
Dr.Ashish H.Mhatre
Associate Professor
School of Ayurveda, D.Y.Patil deemed to be University
Nerul, Navi-Mumbai
Dr. Satish K. Raut
Assistant Professor
Dr. D.Y Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics
Dr. Shweta Dadarao Parwe
Professor and Head
Department of Panchakarma , Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College,
H & RC (H), Wardha
Dr. Chandra Bhushan Jha
Former Professor & Head
Department of Rasa Shastra , Faculty of Ayurveda
Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi
Dr. Ramesh Pandey
Assistant Professor
Prashant Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences and Research
Dr. Pankaj kumar katara
Dy. Medical superintendent & Associate Professor
Ch. Bhramprakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan
GGSIPU university, Delhi
Dr. Rashmi Gupta
Assistant Professor
Department of tantra , Faculty of Ayurveda
Institute of Medical Sciences,BHU,
Amit Chaudhary
Assistant Professor
Department Of Kayachikitsa
Lucknow University, Lucknow (UP)
Peer Review Policy
The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control
After an editor receives a manuscript, the first step is to check that the manuscript for
quality, originality, validity and whether appropriate method has been followed. If it does,
then the editor moves to the next step, which is peer review.
Peer review is the critical assessment of manuscripts submitted to journals by experts who
are usually not part of the editorial staff. The editor will send the manuscript to two or
more reviewers. The peer reviewers will then prepare a report that assesses the manuscript,
and return it to the editor.
After reading the peer reviewer's report, the editor will decide to do one of three things:
reject the manuscript, accept the manuscript, or ask the authors to revise and resubmit the
manuscript after responding to the peer reviewers’ feedback.
If the authors resubmit the manuscript, editors will sometimes ask the same peer reviewers
to look over the manuscript again to see if their concerns have been addressed. This is
called re-review.
The final decision on the manuscript is taken by the editor. Only when there are any
conflict issues, the editor-in-chief of the journal is involved.
Journal decision-making process
After a paper is submitted to a journal, the journal editor screens the manuscript and
decides whether rejected if it is found to be of insufficient quality, outside focus and
scope of the Journal or if they are considered not original.
Editors-in-chief have full authority over the entire editorial content of the journal and
the timing of publication of that content with no interference from journal owners.
Editors should defend the confidentiality of authors and peer reviewers (names and reviewer
Author will receive prompt acknowledgement of submission of articles. If acknowledgement is
not received within two weeks, please contact the Administrative Office, preferably by
The manuscript should be in English and prepared on the following lines:-
Title: Title should be brief, specific and informative, the scientific name(s) in
Authors: Names of authors to be typed, in capitals unaccompanied by their degrees,
titles etc.
Address: Address of the institution where the work was carried out is given below the
name(s) of author(s). Present address of correspondence should be given as footnote
indicating by asterisk the mark (*), the author to whom the correspondence is to be
Abstract: The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly
present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, and point
out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be in about 100 to 150 words.
Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature
should be cited.
Key words: Following the abstract, key words not more than 8 (Eight ) that will
provide indexing references should be listed and in alphabetical order.
Introduction: This should be brief and the review of the literature should be
relevant to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary detail of earlier work
should be avoided.
Materials and Methods: It should describe an appropriate methodology etc. but if
known methods have been adopted, only references are cited. It should comprise an
experimental design and techniques with experimental area and institutional with year of
Results and Discussion: It should be combined to avoid repetition. The results should
not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance
of the observations.
Conclusion and Acknowledgement:
Table numbers should be followed by the title of the table, Line drawings/photographs should
contain figure number and description thereof. The corresponding number(s) of Tables,
Figures etc should quote in the text. Size of tables and figures should be below 1
References: Author(s) – Family name and initials. Title of article (Italics). Title
of Journal (Abbreviated) , Publication year; Volume (Issue): Pages.
1. Srivastava N, Diwakar M, Ajnara J. Evaluation of Nanostructured Metal Ceramic Coatings
for solar thermal Applications. IJNS. 2008; 336(7646): 701–4p. (Journal publication less
than three Authors)
2. Hanna JN, McBride WJ, Brookes DL, et al. Hendra virus infection in a veterinarian. Med J
Aust. 2006; 185(10): 562–4p. (Journal publication having more than three Authors)
3.. Srivastava N, Diwakar M. Evaluation of Nanostructured Metal Ceramic Coatings for solar
thermal Applications. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2007;10(4):422–34p.
doi:10.1014/j.psychsport.2007.03.007. (Electronic article – with DOI
Number: Authors are requested to mention Page number and Line number to each line in
the MS for easy and quick review. Text Alignment, line spacing, word count, figures, tables
etc. must be as per format.
Vol 4, No 1 (January-June) (2024)
Therapeutic Impact of Cupping Therapy on Digestive Disorders: Insights from Case Studies
Izharul Hasan
Ayurvedic Management of Pleural Effusion w.s.r to Uraḥstoya: A Case Rep
Shivaprasad Sharma1, Kiran Kumar Mutnali
History of the Drug Shilajit from Ladakh and Kumaon: A Review
N. C. Shah
Takra Dhara - A Treatment Modality in Kitibha Kushta
Supriya Guddad , Shanakarling Maidaragi
A Single Arm Controlled Clinical Trial to Study the Efficacy of Nagkeshar Choorna with Takra in Swetapradara WSR to Leucorrhoea
Iram Bano Sayed
A Clinical Evaluation of Amritadi Churna and Satavavajaya Chikitsa in the Management of Amavata with Special Reference to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Khushboo Agrawal, Aparnesh Pandey, Rajendra Prasad
Vol 4, No 2 (June-Dec) (2024)
Millets Diet in Ayurveda: An Ancient Grain for Modern Health
Vinita Patil, Vikram Sharma
Iron Deficiency Anemia and Sharbat-E-Maweez: A Review of Therapeutic Benefits
Tausif S. Khan, Farha Ansari, Shaikh Mudassar Nazar, Nadeem Siddiqui, Saleem Shaikh
Conceptual Study on Roti Kalpana: An Ayurvedic View
Mahadevi.H Mali Md (Ayu), YIC, Neela. C. Sudi. MD (Ayu)
Veerbhadrasana 1 ISSN No. 2582-9114 –Graceful Yoga Posture in Pregnancy
Vd. Iram Bano Sayed, Vd. Prof. Sujata Jagtap
Ayurvedic Concept of Lifestyle Diseases
Anjana. Reader, M.D., Ph.D (Kriya Sharir), P.G. Department Of Kriya Sharir,
State Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Lucknow (U.P)
Madhumeha ISSN No. 2582-9114 (Diabetes Mellitus)
Prashant Chikkodi M.D.
Vol 3, No 2 (June-Dec) (2023)
Analysis of Asrikdara as A Disease Spectrum
Sindhu Umesh
Review on Dugdhika (Euphorbia Hirta Linn.) - An Inconspicuous Weed of Medicinal Value
Shivananda B Karigar, Praveen Kumar K.M
Shiksa- Keys for Pronunction
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Vatantak Gold Tablet and Pain Kill Oil in Painful Inflammatory M usculoskeletal Conditions w.r.t V atavyadhi : A PMS study
Parikshit Debnath, Pawan Kumar Sharma
A Clinical Case Study on the Role of Akshi Tarpana with Triphala Ghrita in Shushkakshi paka w.s.r. to Dry Eye Syndrome
Vimal Panchani M.D., Ph.D.
A Critical Review on Mutrakricchra in Ayurveda
Priyanka Gautam, Omprakash Bairwa
Standard Operating Procedure of Local Therapies with Special Reference to Uttarbasti, Yonidhawan and Yonipichu
Mahajan Dhanashri Harishchandra
Contemporary Methods for Conservation of Endangered Plant Species- A Review
Jitendra R. Waghmare
Review of Alstonia Scholaris – An Approach with Ayush System of Medicine
Neha Kalra1, Vasudevan R, Izharul Hasan, A Geetha , Ambika Dhiman
Ayurvedic Management of Pleural Effusion w.s.r to Uraḥstoya-A Case Report
Shivaprasad Sharma, Kiran Kumar Mutnali
History of the Drug Shilajit from Ladakh and Kumaon: A Review
N. C. Shah
Takra Dhara - A Treatment Modality in Kitibha Kushta
Supriya Guddad , Shanakarling Maidaragi
Vol 3, No 1 (January-June) (2023)
Exploring the Benefits of Cupping Therapy in Dermatology
Izharul Hasan
Study of Agni in Different Metabolic Disorders- A Review
Ajay Malviya1, Dr. Puspendra Kumar Pandey, Dr. Janmejay Shakya, Dr. Rahul Palsedkar
Nasal Polyp (Nasarsha) Understanding and Management through Ayurveda – A Case Study
Vimal Panchani M.D., PhD. (Ayu), Karan M. Lakhani, Darshak N. Solanki
An Overview of Irsale Alaq (Leeching) in Unani System of Medicine
Izharul Hasan
Preventive and Curative Aspect of Hair Fall/ Hair Loss According to Integration of Ayurveda & Yoga
Sneh Lata Jain, Yadvinder Kaur
Vol 3, No 2 (July-Dec) (2023)
Vol 2, No 1 (January-June) (2022)
Significance of Shatadoutha Grutha in Dadru Kushta W.S.R to Athlete’s Foot
N.C.Sudi. R.V.Ydavannavar
Vol 1, No 2 (July-Dec) (2021)
Madhumeha or T2DM-A Clinical Approach and Management through
Manisha Choudhary,Pramod Kumar Mishra,Indu Sharma
Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19): Management
through Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
B. VenkateswarRao, Izhar Ul Hasan, Tushita Thakur, Anasuya. B ,Arun Kumar Bhadula , P.
Surgical Training in Ayurveda: Reality Check,
Challenges And Solutions
Aakash Kembhavi, Anita Kadagad Kembhavi
Contemporary Understanding of Valuka Swedana
Harinee S, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Mahesh Kumar Sharma, Meenakshi Sharma
Regulation of Certain Rules While Eating Food
- W.S.R. to Ayurveda
Arvind Paikrao
Evaluation of Anti Tumour Activity of Nigella
sativa Seed Extract against 7, 12- Dimethylbenz (a) Anthracene Induced Mouse Skin
Wasim Raja, Amit Dubey, and Heena Parwin
A Review on Indications of Shilajitu in
Classical References of Rasa Shastra
Neela.C.Sudi, Vidyashree
Efficacy of Amalakki Choorna in Asymptomatic
Covid Positive Case – A Case Study
Seeta M.Biradar, Amit Namapaliwar, Renuka Tenahalli
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for
Erectile Dysfunction
Izharul Hasan
Vol 1, No 1 (Jan-June) (2021)
Herbal Chyawanprash - A Natural Immunity
Booster to Fight against Various Diseases
Arpit Gupta, Lalit Singh, Ritesh Kumar Tiwari, Shashi Verma
Shwasa–Prashwasa Prakriya (The Process of
Respiration)in Ayurveda: A Review
Bhawsar Priyanka , Nampalliwar Ami
Hepatoprotective and Hypolipidemic Effects of
Shah Murad, Saima Rafique, Abrar Umar, Manal Raouf Mahar, Palwasha Awan, Sibghatullah
Sangi, M Hyder Awan
To Evaluate the Effect of Trikatu on
Experimental Model of High Fat Diet Induced Hyperlipidemia
Bomble Rajashri , Deshpande Mansi , Sawant Vidya
Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Ayurveda and its
Amit Chaudhary
Ayurvedic Management of Glaucoma Progression:
A Case Study
Patil Ashwini A, Dakhore Jyoti R, Thorat Kavita R, Chitrakar Mrudul Y